Report Samples


Active Members by Type

This report allows you to select a list of active members by membership type.

1.Add table: Contacts

a.Select ‘Group’ option

2.Add table: Membership

a.Add rule: ‘Expiry Date’ >= ‘NOW()’

b.Select ‘No “’ option

3.Add table: Membership

a.Add rule: ‘Membership Status’ = ‘Active’

4.Add table: Membership

a.Add rule: ‘Record End Date’ IS NULL

5.Add table: Membership

a.Add rule: ‘Membership Type’ LIKE ‘______’

6.OPTIONAL: Add table: Membership

a.Add rule: ‘Membership Type Level’ LIKE ‘______’

Notes: The various rules on the Membership table here helps to refine the search:

  • “Expiry Date >= NOW()” ensures that the membership is current. Leave this rule out to return expired records as well as current ones
  • “Record End Date IS NULL" ensures that only the most recent, active record for the member is gathered, in the case that the member has membership history
  • “Membership Status = Active” ensures that the membership has not been terminated, e.g. manually disabled by a DNA administrator
  • “Membership Type LIKE ______” will cause the search to only return members of a certain type. If your DNA install supports membership categories, the additional rule “Membership Type Level LIKE ______” can be used to further restrict the search by membership category.

Contacts with Address Information

This report provides a simple way of seeing a list of contacts, including their address information. Note that only one kind of address (work, home, etc) can be selected at once.

  1. Add table: Contacts
  2. (Add any additional rules to refine the Contact search here)
  3. Add table: Contact Addresses
    1. Add rule: ‘Type’ LIKE ‘Work’ or ‘Home’ or ‘Shipping’ or ‘Billing’
  4. Add table: Addresses

Notes: ‘Contact Addresses’ is a table that links contacts to their addresses. Contacts can have anywhere between 0 to multiple addresses of various types. By default, including the Contact Addresses table retrieves all addresses for each contact. Adding the rule “Type LIKE” allows you to filter by a particular address type.


Contacts with Group Information

This report provides a method of seeing all contacts that are currently a member of a contact group, including their group’s name, ID, and other information.

1.Add table: Contacts

2.(Add any additional rules to refine the Contact search here)

3.Add table: Groups Members

a.Add rule: ‘Group Member ID’ IS NOT NULL

4.Add table: Groups

5.From all tables included

Notes: Groups Members is a table that links contacts to their groups. If only the table were included without the rule, all contacts would be retrieved. The rule “Group Member ID IS NOT NULL” causes the report to only retrieve members who have been assigned a group.


Company Locations with Addresses

This report allows you to select a list of company locations that exist in the database, along with their address information.

1.Add table: Companies

2.Add table: Locations

3.Add table: Location Addresses

4.Add table: Addresses

Notes: Because companies can only have one address, this report is simpler than the related ‘Contacts with Address Information’.


Transactions by Accounting Item

This report allows you to view all transactions made through the system, including the names, base prices, and tax codes of any items purchased.

1.Add table: Transaction

2.Add table: Transaction Item

3.Add table: Ecommerce Item

Notes: The Transaction Item table provides a link between transactions and the items purchased as part of those transactions.


Transactions by Contact

This report allows you to view all transactions made through the system, associated with the contacts by which they were incurred.

1.Add table: Transaction

2.Add table: Contact Transactions Link

3.Add table: Contacts

Notes: As its name suggests, the Contact Transactions Link table provides a link between transactions incurred through the system and their associated contacts.


Event Registrations by Event ID and Status

This report allows you to view all of the registrants for a given event based on its event ID.

1.Add table: Events

a.Add rule: event_id = ‘______’ , where the Value is the ID of the event you want to view

2.Add table: Registration for Events

a.Add rule: status LIKE ‘______’, where the Value is ‘registered’, ‘failed’, ‘approved’, etc

3.Add table: Contacts

Notes: By removing the “event_id = ______” rule, this report can be made to display registrations for all events. The “status = ______” rule restricts the report’s results to attendees of a certain registration status.





AMSAssociation Management System
CMSContent Management System